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How to fix Phoenix OS Wifi problem 2021

phoenix os wifi disconnect problem, phoenix os wifi authentication problem, phoenix os wifi problem,prime os wifi problem,prime os wifi not working

 Hello guys, Welcome again, how are you? Hope you are good. in this article I am going to take a deep look at how to resolve the Phoenix OS wifi disconnect problem or Prime OS wifi problem I will tell you an easy trick to solve the entire wifi problem that you are facing let's start the process.

Why do we get Phoenix OS wifi problem?

If you are using a Computer system rather than a laptop then you might face the problem of wifi not turning on because the Phoenix OS is an open-source project due to which some venders did not provide the driver support for open-source projects such as alfa adapters that are the reasons why your wifi not working in Phoenix OS.

You don't have to worry about this as I am here to provide you with an easy way to solve this annoying problem by the simple method

How to fix the Wifi problem in Phoenix OS?

Let's start with the quick fix with easy steps if your wifi works sometimes and sometimes did not turn on then the quick fix is you have to simply boot into the Windows properly after you logged in the Widows successfully then simply reboot and start phoenix OS boom your problem is resolved hopefully your wifi again starts working normally

If it starts working normally then don't turn off wifi from the settings because it will again start annoying you and you have to redo all the processes in order to use wifi again

How to Fix the Wifi problem permanently in Phoenix OS?

If the above step work for you then you have to use another adapter in order to fix the problem permanently don't use the alfa adapters as these are not supported by all Phoenix OS-based projects such as Phoenix OS darkmatter, Makhore OS, PrimeOS Ghost and other modes like this I have personally tested this adapter and it works flawlessly in all android based OS use this adapter and you will never going to have any issue related to wifi problems such as phoenix os wifi authentication problem and other related to wifi

Wifi adatpter


After reading this guide The user will be able to solve the wifi not working problem in Phoenix OS and other Android-based operating systems such as prime OS etc.

I hope this guide solves your problem of Wifi attention problem in Phoenix OS if you have any issues related to this post please send me a text message at everypcsolution@yahoo.com or at 008abdulllahshah@gmail.com

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